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Part of our Ground Stabilisation Service
Lime is a very useful chemical to stabilise and dry the ground. It is widely available, reasonably priced and will transfer some of the most obnoxious ground composite into a usable material.
Waterlogged sites......Un-compactable soils.... Heavy clay Soils.....Contaminated soils.... Winter Building Projects.......Building sites hampered by wet weather...... Boggy footpaths.... Wet and slippery buggy tracks
No tipping of site soils and associated costs
Treatment of contaminated soils
No requirement for imported fill or subbase
Effective treatment of very wet materials
Virtually eliminates site traffic
Reduces the impact of winter weather
Shorter programme times
Stronger foundations can reduce blacktop layers
The Lime is carefully metered on at the calculated volumes
The Lime is then worked evenly through the material using a stabilisation drum.
The site is then graded to the required level and then thoroughly rolled with either a self propelled vibrating roller or compaction plate to ensure that there are no air pockets left within the material profile and the correct compaction level is gained.
The site is hydrated to a volume that optimises the chemical reaction needed to bind the aggregate.
The site is then left to cure for the prescribed amount of time
If the client wishes the site would then be surface dressed.